Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is imperative to ensure success at school. Students must arrive on time, prepared for class and attend school on a regular basis. If your child is absent from school, please contact Aeolian School, at (562) 699-0913. Students returning from an absence must bring a written statement signed by the parent or doctor.
Attendance Awards: Perfect and Excellent attendance awards are given at the end of the year. Additionally we will honor students with perfect attendance each month at a special popcorn party.
Perfect attendance is defined as: zero absences, zero tardies, and in attendance all day long. A student must be in attendance at school from 8:00 until 2:50 to earn a perfect attendance award.
Excellent attendance is defined as: 1 – 2 absences and/or tardies or partial days. A student who has either been absent, tardy, or left early 1 or 2 days in the school year will earn this award.