Observation & Volunteer Policy
Aeolian’s Observation Policy
Parents may request to observe their child in the classroom.
Process parents must follow:
- Parents may make a request to the principal to observe their child in the classroom. The observation request needs to be in writing either in an email or a written letter given to the school.
- The principal will arrange a time that is accommodating to the principal and the classroom teacher. The observation can be scheduled up to two weeks from the parent request.
- The parent and principal will visit the classroom at the designated time together. The parent will not make observations without the principal present.
- The parent and principal will stand in the back of the classroom, or in an area that is not distracting to the instruction, and have no interaction with the teacher or students, including the parent's child.
- The observation will last for up to 20 minutes in length.
- The parent will leave once the observation time is complete.
Aeolian's Volunteer Policy
Per Board Policy 1240: Volunteer Assistance, volunteers must have cleared fingerprints and TB testing if you will be volunteering on a weekly basis. Please fill out the “Volunteer in Public Schools” application located in the front office. Thank you for understanding and ensuring our kids’ safety.
Purpose of Volunteering: To support your child's teacher, not to be with or work with your child. We believe it is important for children to build confidence and independence.
Process volunteers must follow:
- A teacher may allow volunteers in their classroom based on the need of their class.
- The teacher and volunteer must arrange ahead of time the date and time the volunteer will be coming to the classroom as to not disrupt the instruction taking place.
- The volunteer must check into front office, sign-in in the volunteer binder, place a volunteer sticker prominently on their person and go straight to the classroom.
- The teacher will set-up ahead of time what the volunteer will be doing in the classroom or in the workroom and place that work in a location of their classroom that the volunteer knows to find their task for the day.
- The volunteer will go to their assigned area and complete the task to the best of their ability in the time agreed upon between the teacher and volunteer.
- The volunteer period should not exceed an hour in length unless the teacher requests more time and the volunteer is available.
- The volunteer will not interact with the students unless the assignment the teacher gives the volunteer requires it.
- The volunteer will not conference with the teacher and/or assistant in the classroom before, during, or after the volunteer period.
- The volunteer will leave the campus once their volunteer period is over. The volunteer will sign out in the volunteer binder and throw away their volunteer sticker before leaving the campus.
- If the volunteer does not follow the above expectations the principal will revoke his/her volunteerism.