Alex Leon » Unit Target Standards

Unit Target Standards


*Fact and Opinion
*Cause and Effect
*Reference Materials
*Roots and Spelling




Happy Holidays!

Thank you to our Room 21 families for donating money for pizza and goodies for our party. The kids had a great time!

Thank you to our parent volunteers:

Mr. Espejo
Mrs. Avila
Ariel's great-grandmother
Our AWESOME Room Parent: Mrs. Gonzales

The party ROCKED because of your help!

I would like to wish you all a wonderful winter break and a Happy New Year!


Ms. Leon

Parent Conferences

Thank you to all parents for attending our Fall Conference. It was a great oppurtunity to meet and discuss homework, current progress, and learning goals. I am confident that we will see progress if we all work together and do our part. Thank you in advance for your support!