"Parents in Action" Graduates Make Healthy Living Presentation to Los Nietos District Adminstration on February 4, 2014

On February 4, 2014, the graduating class of “Parents in Action” invited Los Nietos School District administrators to attend a meeting that they convened in order to explain their goals for the remainder of the year and the 2014-2015 School year. The “Parents in Action” classes are designed to empower parents to participate in district and community matters related to school wellness, including nutrition and physical activity. The classes were offered free to Los Nietos parents as part of the “Healthy Los Nietos” partnership with PIH Health. The classes were conducted by Ricardo Lopez, Supervisor in the Senior Services and Community Health Education, and Brigida Davila, registered PIH Health Dietician.

The “Parents in Action” graduates created the agenda, presentation materials, and took turns orally reporting to District administrators what they had learned about the importance of health and wellness, not only in the District, but also within their homes. The parents offered their support to the school principals as well as district administration to help strengthen fundraising efforts, physical education/activity events, and provide support to ensure the District’s Wellness Policy is being implemented and explained to parents and staff.

The “Parents in Action” curriculum was created through California Project LEAN (Leaders Encouraging Activity and Nutrition). California Project LEAN (CPL) is a joint program of the California Department of Public Health and the Public Health Institute, which focuses on youth and parent empowerment, policy and environmental change strategies, and community based solutions. CPL’s mission is to increase healthy eating and physical activity to reduce the prevalence of obesity and chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, osteoporosis, and diabetes. CPL works with state and local physical activity and nutrition leaders and key school community organizations, to conduct programs in communities throughout California. Through an infrastructure of regional coordinators, CPL implements local interventions that increase opportunities for Californians to eat healthfully and be physically active.

Superintendent Vasquez, Director of Nutrition Services Chou, as well as principals Duncan, Speh, Perez, and Brann-Zelaya were extremely impressed with the parent’s presentation and thanked them for attending the classes and offering their help to support the “Healthy Los Nietos” initiatives. District administration explained to parents the current health initiatives under the Healthy Los Nietos Project, which includes applying for the Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) grant, continued implementation of the Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) Curriculum, and a coordinated district-wide health event scheduled within the next month. Parents and administrators agreed to work closely together to strengthen the Healthy Los Nietos initiatives not only within the District but also within the Los Nietos Community.
Source: Principal Speh