Stone Soup Shines!

Aeolian Elementary offers an after school program called Stone Soup.  In a recent newsletter, two Aeolian students were recognized.

Brianne L. and Mystic M. were two of  the winner for our last contest.  The contest gave the children the opportunity to write a short book about what they would like to do when they grew up.

Brianne was the grand prize winner from all the children enrolled in Stone Stope.  We have programs in Central California, Central Coast, and Southern California.  Brianne wrote about wanted to be a veterinarian because of her love for animals.  Mystic wrote about wanting to be an artist or fashion designer.

Stone Soup is currently accepting summer sessions sign up.  For more information please call (562) 556-7550

Congratulations to Brianne and Mystic!  We are VERY proud of you!