Turn your lights onto ThinkTogether

On Thursday, October 20th, THINKTogethers students celebrated Lights On After School.

Students made posters of light bulbs and hung up glow sticks on the fence.

Lights on After School is a special occasion to celebrate the meaning of how wonderful after school programs are.  All these students had wonderful comments about Lights On-

When asked the First Grade and Kinder students they described that they felt happy, glad and excited.  They said that Lights On means there's a place where parents can go. One also replied, "It GLOWS in the DARK!"

2nd Grader Geoffrey Garcia said, "I liked how everyone made a poster and put glow sticks on the fence."

3rd Grader Alexis Monay said, "I like making pictures on a poster and I also like how I got a glow stick."

4th Grader Ashley Santamaria said, "I think THINKTogether programs are important to me because they teach me new skills."

5th Grader Angela Trinadad said, "I think Lights On means that it helps people know what after school programs are about."

6th Grader Molly Moran said, " I think Lights On is a good cause and helps me and other students with our school work."

Overall, we'd like to thank THINKTogether Staff for putting this amazing project.  It's a great way to show how much we love THINKTogether.

Written by:
Jalyssa S.
Jesse V.
Kimberly G.
Albert T. :p

For more picture go to "About Us" Click on "Photo Albums" Click on "Lights On"